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L. Giuntini at al., Detectors and Cultural Heritage: the INFN-CHNet experience, Appl. Sci. 11(8) (2021) 3462 https://doi.org/10.3390/app11083462
A. Balerna, DAFNE-Light DXR1 Soft X-Ray Synchrotron Radiation Beamline: Characteristics and XAFS Applications.Condens. Matter (2019), 4, 7; doi:10.3390/condmat4010007
Idham Hafizh, Giovanni Bellotti, Marco Carminati, Gianlorenzo Utica, Matteo Gugiatti, Antonella Balerna, Vinicio Tullio, Giacomo Borghi, Antonio Picciotto, Francesco Ficorella, Nicola Zorzi, Andrea Capsoni, Simone Coelli, Luca Bombelli, Carlo Fiorini, ARDESIA:A fast silicon drift detector X-ray spectrometer for synchrotron applications. X‐Ray Spectrometry (2019), 48, 382-386; doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/xrs.3017
I. Hafizh, G. Bellotti, M. Carminati, G. Utica, M. Gugiatti, A. Balerna, V. Tullio, G.O. Lepore, G. Borghi, F. Ficorella, A. Picciotto, N. Zorzi, A. Capsoni, S. Coelli, L. Bombelli, C. Fiorini, Characterization of ARDESIA: a 4-channel SDD X-ray spectrometer for synchrotron measurements at high count rates. Journal of Instrumentation (2019), 14, P06027; doi: https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/14/06/P06027
G. Bellotti, A. D. Butt, M. Carminati, C. Fiorini, L. Bombelli, G. Borghi, C. Piemonte, N. Zorzi, A. Balerna, The ARDESIA Detection Module: a 4-Channel Array of SDDs for Mcps X-Ray Spectroscopy in Synchrotron Radiation Applications.
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Bellotti, A. D. Butt, M. Carminati, C. Fiorini, A. Balerna, C. Piemonte, N. Zorzi, L. Bombelli, The detection module of ARDESIA: a New, versatile array of SDDs for X-ray spectroscopy synchrotron applications, 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detector Workshop (NSS/MIC/RTSD), IEEE Xplore 17263119 (2017) – DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069892
A. Balerna, C. Evangelisti, R. Psaro, G. Fusini, A. Carpita, Structural characterization of bimetallic Pd-Cu vapor derived catalysts. J. of Physics: Conf. Series 712, 012057 (2016)
P. Zajdel, A. Kisiel, A. Szytula, J. Goraus, A. Balerna, A. Banas, P. Starowicz J. Konior, G. Cinque, A. Grilli, Studies of valence of selected rare earth silicides determined using Si K and Pd/Rh L2,3 XANES and LAPW numerical studies.
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W. M. Kwiatek, J. Czapla, M. Podgórczyk, A. Kisiel, J. Konior, A. Balerna, First approach to studies of sulphur electron DOS in prostate cancer cell lines and tissues studied by XANES.
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M.A Evsyukova, G. Yaloga, A. Balerna, A.P. Menushenkov, Ya V. Rakshun, A.A. Teplov, M.N. Mikheeva and A. V. Soldatov, Crystal-quasicrystal transition in the Al-Cu-Fe system: Analysis of the local atomic structure.
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R. Sathyamoorthy, P. Sudhagar, A. Balerna, C. Balasubramanian, S. Bellucci, A.I. Popov and K. Asokan, Surfactant-assisted synthesis of Cd(1-x)Co(x)S nanocluster alloys and their structural, optical and magnetic properties.
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I. Ascone, L. Messori, A. Casini, C. Gabbiani, A.Balerna, F. Dell’Unto, and A. Congiu Castellano, Exploiting Soft and Hard X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Characterize Metallodrug/Protein Interaction.
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L. Reale, A. Lai, M. Sighicellic, A. Faenov, T. Pikuz, F. Flora, P. Zuppella, T. Limongi, L. Palladino, A. Poma, J. Kaiser, M. Galiova, A. Balerna, G. Cinque, Qualitative detection of Mg content in a leaf of Hedera helix by using X ray radiation from a laser plasma source.
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W.M. Kwiatek, M. Podgorczyk, C. Paluszkiewicz, A. Balerna and A. Kisiel, Sulphur XANES analysis of cultured human prostate cancer cells.
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A. Leon, A. Balerna, G. Cinque, C. Frommen and M. Fichtner, Al K Edge XANES Measurements in NaAlH4 Doped with TiCl3 by Ball Milling.
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L. Reale, J. Kaiser, A. Reale, A. Lai, F. Flora, A. Balerna, G. Cinque, M. Fanelli, F. Ruggieri, A. Faenov, T. Pikuz, A. Tucci, A. Poma, P. Zuppella, M. Lika, R. Malina, Mapping the intake of different elements in vegetal tissues by dual-energy X-ray imaging at DAFNE synchrotron light source.
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A. Soldatov, G. Yalovega, G. Smolentsev, A. Kravtsova, D. Lamoen, C. Balasubramanian, A. Marcelli, G. Cinque, S. Bellucci, ALN nanoparticles XANES analysis: Local atomic and electronic structure.
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C. Balasubramanian, S. Bellucci, G. Cinque, A. Marcelli, M. Cestelli Guidi, M. Piccinini, A. Popov, A. Soldatov, P. Onorato, Characterization of aluminium nitride nanostructures by XANES and FTIR spectroscopies with synchrotron radiation.
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G. Cinque, G. Bellisola, M. Colombatti and E. Burattini, X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy of sulfur in biomolecules: Two examples from glutathione and insulin.
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A. Marcelli, G. Cibin, G. Cinque, A. Mottana and MF. Brigatti, Polarized XANES spectroscopy: The K edge of layered K-rich silicates.
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G. Cinque, E. Burattini, A. Grilli and S. Dabagov, The Soft X-ray Beamline at Frascati.
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