Before you write a proposal, we advise you to talk to the beamline scientists to discuss the technical feasibility of your experiment. They will help you to decide on the amount of time you will need, and will help you verify if suitable sample environment equipment is available. At the end of the call the proposals will be submitted to the User Selection Panel (USP) to determine their scientific merit and to a Technical Committee to evaluate their feasibility.


Proposals must be written in English and should include:


1/ General Part of the proposal

2/ Abstract and experimental description

3/ Samples and substances declaration together with ancillary equipement declaration (for safety considerations)

4/ Results from previous proposals


When submitting a proposal for a new project or to continue a project for which you have previously been assigned beamtime, you will be prompted to submit an experimental report on your past measurements (including relevant publications), before completing your new submission.

 Guidelines for applications

To send your proposal, you can either download a word file at the following link “Application form DAFNE-Light”, fill it in and send it once signed to  “proposalsubmission@lists.lnf.infn.it” or create it online, following the link below. You will receive a pdf by email so you can check it and send the signed one to the same email address.


Submit your proposal online