In parallel the optical elements and UHV vacuum chambers needed for the construction of the High Energy Beamline or HEB, have been defined, and for most of them all the procedures needed for their purchasing have been completed. The HM1 and HT1 mirrors are both hosted in the pre-optic chamber in the DAFNE building. These mirrors are used to deflect the emitted BM radiation, into the tunnel conducting to the XUV-laboratory maintaining the angle of incidence on each optical element to be 3 degrees in order to get a high photon reflectivity up to 1000 eV. The toroidal mirror HT1 is at 3.6 m from the source and collimates into a parallel beam 6 x10 mrad2 (vertical x horizontal acceptance) of the total solid angle emitted by the stored electrons. After this the beam travels into the laboratory entering in a slit-less PGM (plain grating monochromator) which consists of a deflecting plane mirror HM2 and two interchangeable plane gratings (PG)(PG1 with 800 l/mm and PG2 with 1200 l/mm) which are optimized for 60-250 eV and 200-1000 eV energy ranges respectively. The monochromatized beam is then focussed both vertically and horizontally into the exit slits by the HT2 mirror. Finally a refocussing toroidal mirror is used to refocus the spot emerging from the slits at the sample position. The performances of such HEB beamline have been calculated and will need careful testing and experimental verification. The entire HEB beamline has been mounted and testing all the components to be ready to deliver photons from 60 eV to 1000 eV to interested users started and will be hopefully completed in 2021.