General Information

Proposal Title and Acronym

Indicate the title of the project. Use no more than 255 characters. Indicate an acronym for your project (max 8 characters). It will be the project identifier over its lifetime. Avoid any special character. You are not allowed to use acronyms that infringe existing trademarks, registered patents and other similar rights.



The abstract must be a concise summary of a the experimental project being submitted. The purpose of the abstract is to summarize the scientific content and relevance of the research, the experimental method needed to be used and the expected findings.



One or more Disciplines connected to experimental proposal can be chosen.


Number of requested shifts

Indicate the days needed to carry out the proposed project at LNF taking into account that each shift is of 12 h.


Project Description

Description of the proposal

Describe with sufficient details the scientific and technical aspects of the project. Underline the objectives of your project and the specific relevance of your proposal. Add references if necessary. Please add any comment you think might be helpful to the User Selection Panel (USP) for the evaluation of your proposal.


Technical information

Equipment and products requested from the facility/user

State the existing experimental setup you intend to use (see DAFNE-Light web pages) or the setup you intend to bring and install at LNF. In the latter case, setup specifications must be included in the proposal description but you must contact in advance the Beamline Scientist to be sure that it is compatible with the existing setup.



Main Proposer and Co- Proposers

In the presence of many researchers, the Main Proposer is the person in charge of coordinating the Proposal Application for all participants and the submission of the required documents. For the Legal Status of Home Institution, Home Institution Country and Position, using the codes specified in the proposal. Home Institution should be specified for each researcher only if different from the one of the Main Proposer.


Curriculum Vitae of the Group Leader and a short description of his scientific activity

Attach a short CV of the Group Leader and describe the latest research activity carried out.


Sample mail-in service
Please take into account that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, when preparing your application you can apply, when possible, for measurements in presence or ask for the sample mail-in service and follow their measurements remotely.

Organization of the Access Periods Requested

Indicate the researcher’s name, the days  and number of visits (if the proposal needs to be performed in more than one specific period) that he/she can spend at LNF if the proposal is accepted.


Address any additional request of information to: proposalsubmission@lists.lnf.infn.it