Accepted proposals

If the experimental proposal is approved, Users will receive an e-mail that includes the name and e-mail of the Contact Person and  the assigned number of beam time days.
Starting from DAFNE-Light proposal submissions, to award beamtime and for all connected actions, like reporting trans-national access provisions, there is the need to collect Users’ personal data. All information concerning General Data Protection Regulation can be found at the following link: GDPR and USERS.



External Users who need to access the DAFNE-Light Facility for their measurements must be authorized by the INFN-LNF Director in order to get the Guest Status (Ospite) and this requires that Users must follow specific access procedures represented by the Standard Access Procedure, for users that will come for more than two weeks/year , or by the Short Term Access Procedure for all the other ones.



Guesthouse booking

The Frascati National Laboratories have two guesthouses for a total number of 32 beds: the DAFNE (building no. 33) and the ADONE (building no. 26) ones. Information about costs, rules and the reservation form can be found at the following link.


The General Emergency Procedures, the LNF Map with the Emergency Assembly Points, a short Safety Course link  and the DAFNE-Light Bld. 12 plan with the Emergency Exits can be found at the following link

Practical Information

DAFNE-Light laboratory  is located at the 12th building of the INFN-National Laboratories of Frascati (LNF Map).

Some practical information on how to reach the INFN-LNF Laboratory are reported at the following link: How To Get Here

User Guide: Publications and Experimental Reports

Scientists who received beam time should publish their results and give due credit to the DAFNE-Light staff members and experimental facilities. Furthermore, they must send the complete reference and the abstract of all papers that appear in print, and result from the use of facility to DAFNE-Light, to be included in the publication lists of the facility.

Publications: authorship and aknowledgements

When preparing publications based on data collected at the INFN-LNF DAFNE-Light laboratory, the main proposer should ensure that all DAFNE-Light staff members, who have contributed to the work, receive credit, offering co-authorship when appropriate otherwise their contribution should be explicitly indicated as reported in the Acknowledgments section. Authorship should be discussed with the DAFNE-Light staff during manuscript preparation and well in advance of manuscript submission.


Acknowledgments of staff assistance:
We acknowledge the INFN-LNF DAFNE-Light laboratory for providing access to its facilities and we thank “NAME SURNAME” for assistance during beamtime.”

Acknowledgments of user support programs:

If a publication derives from a EU funded proposal an acknowledgement to the EC should be present.Acknowledgment of financial support by CALIPSOplus is mandatory, using the following sentence: “The research leading to this result has been supported by the project CALIPSOplus under Grant Agreement 730872 from the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020“.

Experimental reports

After beam time for an experiment, users are required to provide a report of the experiment performed. When submitting a proposal for a new project, or for the continuation of a project for which beam time has been previously assigned, the experimental report must be sent and only if necessary, also a preliminary report on the required measurements