Proposal Submission

The application form must be filled, signed and their pdf version must be sent to proposalsubmission@lists.lnf.infn.it 

In order to fill in the application forms you can find at this link a list of Disciplines and Specific Disciplines.

Users can contact directly the beamline staff if they need further information.

For questions concerning users (information on experimental proposals, logistics etc.) please contact Daniela Ferrucci.

For administrative questions please contact Catia Conti.

Submitted proposals will be evaluated by the Users Selection Panel (USP).


Financial Support

Within the EU CALIPSOplus Transnational Access program the INFN-LNF DAFNE-Light facility provides limited financial support(*) to researchers from EU(**) and EU associated (***) countries whose experimental proposals has been accepted (the CALIPSOplus program will end on October 31st, 2021).

One of the strategic objectives of CALIPSOplus is to support transnational users of national facilities in the domain of Synchrotron and FEL science, providing research teams from the European and EU Associated Countries with free access supported by  the European Commission to the major research infrastructures in Europe.

The DAFNE-Light facility of the Frascati National Laboratory (INFN) has been included in the list of the Synchrotron Radiation European research infrastructures of the EU CALIPSOplus project.

Within the CALIPSOplus project EU users can also ask financial support for proposals requiring the use of the THz Radiation Source of the SPARC_LAB laboratory.



 Publication of research results in open access journals is strongly encouraged. In case of joint publications involving facility staff, open access publication is a requirement from the EU.

  CALIPSOplus offers financial support for gold open access publications. Upon a simple request to the project management, the full publication costs may be covered. More information is available in this CALIPSOplus poster.

 –  Independently of the selected journal, every user who was supported by the trans-national access program of CALIPSOplus is obliged to acknowledge funding in his or her publication, using the following statement: The research leading to this result has been supported by the project CALIPSOplus under Grant Agreement 730872 from the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020.

 In addition, completing the HORIZON 2020 User Survey is strongly encouraged.


Experimental Report

According to the DAFNE-LIght policy, once you performed measurements at the facility you must send an EXPERIMENTAL REPORT to proposalsubmission@lists.lnf.infn.it. Failing to do so will prevent you from submitting further proposals.




* The users of approved proposals will receive, if required, a financial support for travel costs, overnight stays and daily allowance. Financial support will be given for a maximum of two users for proposal, covering the period of the scheduled beamtime plus, if needed, usually one day before and after beamtime. In order to support many user groups and reduce costs, economy-class tickets and low cost accommodations (LNF Guesthouse) must be used.

**EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

***EU associated countries (H2020):Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,Faroe Islands, FYR of Macedonia , Georgia, Iceland, Israel, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey, Switzerland, Ukraine