Registration: Sunday afternoon (7/11/2021) from 17.30 to 18.30 at the Colle del Duomo Museum in Viterbo.

The program of the training camp includes a day dedicated to the presentation of the course and to the methodological approach that will be adopted, by the project partners (INFN, UNITUS, Archeoares).

Monday afternoon will be dedicated to a theoretical overview of the techniques that will be used during the laboratories session of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The first day will end with a visit to the Museo del Colle del Duomo in Viterbo.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will be dedicated to workshops. Friday will be dedicated to the integration of data which, in the afternoon, will be used for the realization of laboratory reports and the planning of a “scientific” fruition path of the analyzed works. The course will end on Saturday morning with the presentation of the reports and the delivery of certificates of participation.

Durinig the week several seminars are planned focusing on further investigation techniques not directly used in the course.

The level of in-depth study of the topics of the course will be modulated in relation to the training background of the participants, assessed with a preliminary questionnaire.

A final evaluation questionnaire of the course will be distributed to the participants at the end of the Training Camp with the aim of improving the training service offered in relation to the feedback received.