Laboratory instrumentation
- micro FTIR Infrared Spectroscopy (Far/Mid/Near Infrared) in Reflection, Trasmission and ATR mode equipped with an Imaging detector FPA (Focal Plane Array) 64×64 pixel
- Micro Raman Jasco NRS-5100 (785nm, 532nm)
- SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) equipped with EDX
- Laboratory for samples preparation: (optical microscopes, cutting machine, preparation of thick and thin resin sections)
- Synchrotron radiation source: IR/VIS-UV/Soft-X
Portable instrumentation
- FTIR Bruker Alpha-R (350-7000 cm-1)
- i-Raman Plus B&W Tek (laser 785 nm)
- NIR converted camera Nikon D750, 400-1000 nm
- SWIR camera (Hamamatsu InGaAs Camera C12741-03, 640×512 pixel) 900-1700 nm
- UV lamp 365nm filtered 3000mW
- Halogen lamp